Training – Language Interpretation And Translation Solutions ` (2024)


“So, I just got a compliment from the nurses. They said they liked how fast I am, and how I repeat exactly what they say and don’t have side conversations with the patients. They really liked that! I was like, I was trained to be like this! So, thanks you for the awesome class. Comments like this one makes one feel awesome!”

Jessica P.

Our Current Workshops

Choose Your Training


40-Hour Healthcare Interpreter Training (HIT)


Advanced Medical Interpreter Skill Building


Spoken Language Interpreting 101 for Trilingual Professionals (ASL/Spanish/English)


Teaming Across Modalities: Signed and Spoken Language Interpreter Teams


It Costs to be the Boss


The Role of Dual Tasking in the Interpreting Process


Road to Certification: CASLI Generalist Performance Exam

Next Class Location:



Kenton Myers & Ben Tuanama

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40-Hour Healthcare Interpreter Training (HIT)

M&N Language Services’ Healthcare Interpreter Training Program will prepare bilingual individuals to work as effective, competent, and professional medical interpreters. The training will cover essential topics, such as interpreter roles and ethics, interpreting skills, medical terminology, etc. This 40-hour healthcare interpreter training program will prepare participants to become nationally certified medical interpreters. This training is taught in English & Spanish.

Next Class Location:

Huntsville, AL


Kenton Myers & Ben Tuanama

Next Class Start Date:


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Advanced Medical Interpreter Skill Building

This workshop is designed for intermediate to advanced interpreters wanting to continue their education in medical interpreting. This 16 hour course focuses on skill and vocabulary development specifically for the medical interpreter.

The focus of this workshop is to maximize time spent developing your skills in all three modes of interpreting; with a focus on consecutive and sight translation.

This course is ideal for interpreters who want to continue developing their medical interpreting skills and vocabulary and prepare for professional certification.

Workshop Location:

Online – Zoom


Kenton Myers & Darren Reed

Workshop Date/Time:


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Spoken Language Interpreting 101 for Trilingual Professionals (ASL/Spanish/English)

Now in the 21st century, we live in a society that has never been more multicultural or multilingual. Working and living in virtual environments has become the norm. Qualified trilingual interpreters are needed more than ever. Who are trilingual interpreters? Often, here in the US, they are native Spanish-speaking people, or are heritage speakers of Spanish, who grow up speaking Spanish and English. Later, many attend an interpreter training program (ITP) to learn American SignLanguageand how to work with the Deaf Community. This, by default, makes them “trilingual.” However, a number of these individuals have had nospokenlanguageinterpreter training. While professionalspokenlanguageinterpreters and signedlanguageinterpreters have many similarities, they also have important differences. How can an interpreter who works simultaneously in both worlds, and in the special hybrid space where they overlap (collide), learn and identify those differences? More importantly, how can they master the ability to seamlessly navigate the interpreting encounter without negatively impactingspokenor signedlanguageworld standards?

Workshop Location:

Online – Zoom


Kenton Myers & Darren Reed

Workshop Date/Time:


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Teaming Across Modalities: Signed and Spoken Language Interpreter Teams

Have you accepted an assignment where you worked with a team? Team interpreting can be a blessing and a curse. Well, imagine the complexities of teaming with an interpreter who doesn’t speak the language of your consumer, nor understand their culture!? As America’s melting becomes ever more diverse, we see more Limited English proficient people/families experience deafness and hearing loss. Considering the communication needs of those people/families, it is not a question ofifyou will ever team with another interpreter whose language pair is different than your own, butwhen.

When and where do these special assignments take place?

What unique challenges do these encounters pose for interpreters?

How can spoken and signed language interpreters work together to fully meet the needs of all consumers involved?

During this workshop we will answer these questions and more. (What should be discussed during the pre-session? Positioning? Turn-taking? whisper/simul – consecutive)

Workshop Location:

Online – Zoom


Kenton Myers & Darren Reed

Workshop Date/Time:


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It Costs to be the Boss

Many people enter into the field of interpreting through Interpreter Training Programs (ITPs) varying in duration, curriculum, and quality. Oftentimes students complete their ITP with a newfound understanding of language, ethics, culture, and interpreting. However, a great majority of those students complete their ITPs with little to no knowledge of thebusinessjourney on which they are about to embark. Many lack a basic fundamental understanding of the business side of interpreting. This negatively impacts both the individual and the profession at large. It also has a negative effect on national standards. Unfortunately, many interpreters have to learn the hard way. Only after making many mistakes and suffering losses, do they discover the bad decisions and correct them. This is counterproductive and impacts the interpreting industry as a collective. Being that the actions of a few can affect the many, it is imperative to establish a solid foundation from the beginning which would, as a result, build the business acumen of our interpreter counterparts.

Workshop Location:

Online – Zoom


Kenton Myers & Darren Reed

Workshop Date/Time:


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The Role of Dual Tasking in the Interpreting Process

Interpreters are often surprised by the number of mental processes that are happening simultaneously in their brain. These processes are happening all the time, regardless of the mode in which they are working. During this workshop, we will take a snapshot of the activity of what is happening in the interpreter’s brain. Can an interpreter improve his or her ability to perform more than one task at once? If so, how can this positively improve his or her performance? Attending this workshop will afford you the opportunity to do some reflective practice and measure your dual tasking skills. You will leave with a plan on how to work on these skills and be equipped to benefit from such practice the rest of your career.

Workshop Location:

Online – Zoom


Kenton Myers & Paris McTizic

Workshop Date/Time:


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Road to Certification: CASLI Generalist Performance Exam

This skills lab is designed for interpreters who meet the criteria to sit for the CASLI Generalist Performance Exam. It is suitable for those who wish to enhance their ASL<>English interpretation skills, develop critical thinking abilities, practice scenarios similar to the certification exam, and receive feedback, guidance, and test-taking strategies.


HIT Testimonials

The 40-hour Healthcare Interpreter Training by M&N was simply superb. The course content, the organization of each class and the quality of instruction went far above and beyond my expectations. The variety of materials studied (medical terminology, anatomy, code of ethics and standards of profession) as well as extensive practice of consecutive interpreting and sight translation provided me with a solid background as I am preparing for the certification exam. Definitely money and time well-spent.

Barbara D.

I am the kind of person that always likes to help others and enjoy learning new things in life. M&N Language Services has given me the opportunity to build on my interpreting skills because of the quality and well-organized program that they offer. The most positive aspect for me personally was the chance to be enriched with knowledge of the medical terminology, human anatomy, and code of ethics. I have learned so much on how the whole process works. M&N Language Services has been very supportive and helpful to me and helped build the confidence I need to be a better interpreter. I am very thankful to Kenton and Ben for this great class.

Barbara C.

A few months ago I thought I was a good interpreter, but being a student in the M&N Healthcare Interpreter Program gave me the knowledge that I was definitely missing. I completed all the classes and feel more prepared for what’s next as I continue my career as a medical interpreter. I want to thank my wonderful teachers Kenton Myers and Ben Tuanama for kindly taking the time to put this amazing program together – by far one of the best investments I’ve made!.Really fantastic service, delivery quick and well packaged safely.
Highly recommend

Marcelo A.

This program was the best investment I’ve made. I learned more about the profession, and I can now take my passion for helping others and break down language barriers. It opened so many doors for me, and I’m excited to hone my skills even further. We learned so much medical terminology and even more about human anatomy. We also dedicated a lot of time to learning about the role of the interpreter, the code of ethics, and the standards of the profession. Kenton and Ben were great teachers; they challenged us to perform better and gave us the confidence when we didn’t believe in ourselves. We practiced all methods of interpretation, and I feel much more prepared going into the future. 10/10 would recommend, so don’t be a fool and take this course..

Sabrina B.

I very much enjoyed being in the 40-hour Healthcare Interpreter Class. I learned so many things every single class. From new anatomy systems, to code of ethics, practice, and everything in between. I owe all of my acquired knowledge to Kenton and Benjamin – so much experience to learn from. Being randomly called on to interpret or practice was good because you’re put on the spot. The slides, handouts, teaching methods were all great. 10/10 would recommend. I do wish we could have practiced simultaneous interpreting, because although it’s not always used in the medical setting (so I’ve heard), it would still be a skill set that would be good to practice in front of people that have experience. But overall, an excellent program – so good, in fact, that I wish I could retake it. Great work Mr. Kenton and Dr. Benjamin, as well. You two make a good team

Heriberto V.

The 40- Hour Healthcare Interpreter Training is a MUST. I know that there are many online classes that you can take but nothing beats an in-person language focused training. We learned so much, not only about the medical field and interpretation (in which Mr. Myers and Dr. Tuanama broke down for us and expanded as much as possible in our limited time frame), but we also learned from other students’ techniques and challenges. Everyone has their own skills and limitations, but the teachers helped us to fill the gaps and challenged us to reach our best. Thank you. I will take it again and again.

Dolly C.

“Knowledge and Practice”This 40-hr training vindicates the profession of the medical interpreter.Mr. Kenton Myers is the personification of professionalism and Dr. Ben Tuanama is of knowledge and teaching skills.– Powerpoint slides.– Role-play (provider-patient-interpreter in different medical settings).– Extensive practice of all the types of interpretation (I personally think this was the best of all, because I realized where do I need to work and I think by the end of the program all the students improved 100%).– Shadowing opportunities.– Vocabulary.Those are some of the many highlights of this program. I would recommend it to anyone that wants to become a professional interpreter, it will help to build a solid career based on a strong foundation of knowledge and practice.

Rocio T.

As a double major in nursing and Spanish, I value opportunities that allow me to strengthen both of my academic interests simultaneously; M&N Language Service’s HIT program gave me that opportunity. Working with qualified course instructors like Kenton and Ben stretched my abilities in a way that left me confident in my ability to conduct myself in bilingual medical settings. Their class guided students through each body system, not only teaching us the specific and complex vocabulary and physiology necessary to understand health care professionals, but ways to relay the same medical information in a lower register to ensure maximum patient comprehension. I can assuredly say that M&N’s HIT program has already made a difference in my medical career – during my first clinical rotation as a nursing student, I performed a routine pre-appointment workup entirely in Spanish for a patient who spoke limited English. As I began speaking in Spanish and utilizing the vocabulary and communication skills I had learned in class, I could visibly see the patient relax and start to participate more intently in the workup. There is power in understanding and being understood in your own language, especially in a potentially overwhelming field such as medicine – if you are passionate about pursuing a career in medicine and facilitating clear communication for Spanish-speaking patients, this class is for you!!

Sophie B.

M&N Language Services’ 40 hour program is an absolutely fantastic investment in yourself. The dedication that the instructors Kenton and Ben show during the classes gives all of the students motivation to improve our interpreting skills. Challenging, interesting, and fun are the first three words that come to mind when thinking of my time during the 40 hour program. I completely recommend this program to anyone who is serious about becoming a certified interpreter after the program, anyone who wants to work as a medical interpreter, or anyone who just wants to sharpen their Spanish medical interpreter skills. Time and money well invested with M&N Language Services!

Javier P.

In this 40 hour program I was able to access further information on what it truly is to interpret for patients in hospitals. Kenton Myers is a great instructor. He made sure everyone understood the subject that was being discussed and really put forward the effort to make sure all questions were answered. He did a good job on giving examples of strengths and weaknesses and what is expected of a interpreter. Also, it is a great class to strengthen medical terminology and gives great opportunities to practice and get real life experience. Would recommend for anyone who is starting on a blank slate and is interested in interpreting for the first time!

Saida J.

Training was quick and efficient. Every moment was utilized and maximized to ensure optimum bang for your buck.
Teachers were fun and engaging.
Doing the drills, performing sight translation and practicing interpreting in front of the class was really helpful. I liked the instant feedback.
Hearing from reputable sources which words or phrases to use is a must. There is a lot of faulty information on the web and I value being able to ask someone what and how to say certain things – especially in context of different cultures.
There aren’t a lot of mentors in professional spaces anymore. It’s incredible to know I have three people I can call on for help or guidance as I continue to develop as an interpreter.
Overall, I feel like I am in a significantly better position than someone who has not received any formal training. I honestly don’t know how there are people in the field that have not received any sense of formal training. Everything we learned from the legal standpoint to the terminology is super important, and I am extremely thankful I was able to participate in the program. Thank you for all you have done to help us on our way. It was well worth the money, and I would definitely recommend anyone considering the field to take the class and learn the in’s and out’s of the profession from some of the best.

Morgan P.




Workshop Testimonials

Wonderful workshop. I was having my doubts about continuing on this journey of becoming a Trilingual Interpreter but after this workshop I’m motivated to continue on this journey. Look forward to your next workshop.

Sara Lopez "Spoken Language Interpreting 101 for Trilingual Professionals"

Effective dynamic between Mr. Reed & Mr. Myers. Modelling of professionalism reinforced for me what is appropriate comportment; practice sessions MOST effective. Well thought out..evidence of MUCHA colaboración. Psychologically I didn’t feel like an “outsider” by not being a native speaker of Spanish…you both provide much hope for possibilities. TSID conference would like you guys to present (TX Society of INterp for the Deaf ) Zoom Summer Conference.

Molly Sheridan "Spoken Language Interpreting 101 for Trilingual Professionals"

Darren and Kenton created a safe space for me to do an “evaluation” of the current status of my trilingual skills, which happen to be rusty. I have never classified myself as a trilingual interpreter as the opportunities to function in that capacity have become few and far between, especially since moving to South Carolina seventeen years ago. As a certified sign language interpreter, I appreciated that both presenters had the experience and the ability to articulate the spoken language interpreter perspective. I am definitely motivated to enhance my skill set even as I contemplate where, how and even if I want to be a part of the trilingual interpreting landscape.

Robin Burgess Mack"Spoken Language Interpreting 101 for Trilingual Professionals"

This was amazing – thank you both so much! I’ve taken spoken language (for Spanish) workshops before but this was eye-opening and I learned a lot. I know the work I have cut out for me and I’m super motivated (and super nervous haha)! Please do more workshops – I’ve been talking this up to everyone. I know it’s a ton of work for you both but you’ve done a huge service for all of us! Mil gracias! Saludos y abrazos, Sarika

Sarika Mehta"Spoken Language Interpreting 101 for Trilingual Professionals"

Enjoyed this workshop so much! I have been doing so many lately because of the convenience of doing them from home. I find myself bored often-This was not the case today-I was fully engaged and the time flew! Darren and Kenton were charismatic hosts full of knowledge and tips.

Susana Becky"Spoken Language Interpreting 101 for Trilingual Professionals"

I really appreciated the housekeeping set up that it would be a safe and supportive space. Both of the presenters had a lot of fun and positive energy which made the workshop really engaging. It was great to have practice with other trilingual interpreters. I’d love more practice in a supportive environment.

Gina Wilkinson"Spoken Language Interpreting 101 for Trilingual Professionals"

The presenters knowledge of the science behind all of this is impressive. Keep bringing that into the workshops you do. The recaps during the workshop were helpful in reinforcing learning. I like that spoken language interpreters were included. We need more of that cross-pollination. Lastly, it is refreshing to see interpreters of color present on something other than PPO. Of course, learning from BIPOC presenters on various aspects of PPO and how they play out in our work and lives is key to our understanding of the subject. It just gets tiring to see BIPOC experts in our field consistently pigeonholed rather than recognizing the wealth of knowledge about interpreting and language they possess. Thank you for making these two hours on a Saturday morning well worth the time! (definitely part two, please!)

Jeffrey J.The Role of Dual Tasking in the Interpreting Process

More please!! Darren and Kenton you are awesome!! Wonderful teamwork!! Thanks for sharing today and providing tools to help me in my work!! Job well done!!

Natasha PattersonThe Role of Dual Tasking in the Interpreting Process

Thank you for hosting this workshop. Very informative! ITP student here and will apply this in my present, and future to enhance my skills.

Yeimi P.The Role of Dual Tasking in the Interpreting Process

Thank you! A helpful and encouraging space. I felt especially as a BIPOC I was never doubting the intentions of the other participants or facilitators when it came to their feedback. The safe/brave space allowed for transparency and honesty. Going through this made me realize I'm ready to proceed with taking the performance portion of the CASLI

Participant"Road to Certification: CASLI Generalist Performance Exam"

Great program! Allowed me to actually see where some of my weaknesses are and different ways I can practice to improve.

Participant"Road to Certification: CASLI Generalist Performance Exam"

The presenters both motivate me take responsability to grow professionally.

Participant"It Costs to be the Boss​"

I loved how interactive the presenters were and the way they incorporated the chat into the presentation. I'm looking forward to part 2!

Participant"It Costs to be the Boss"



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Training – Language Interpretation And Translation Solutions ` (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.